Leave Rules
1. If a student remains absent without leave for more than 10 days continuously, his/her name is liable to be struck from the college rolls. However, he/she may seek re-admission by applying to the principal. The Principal has the discretion to impose fine for that purpose. This will not be ordinarily allowed unless the Principal is fully satistied that the circumstances leading to the absence without leave of the student concerned were beyond his/her control and the absence was justifiable.
2. Leave from the college upto one day will be granted by the Tutor. Leave for more than a day will be granted by the Principal on the recommendation of the Tutor. An application for leave shall not be entertained unless it is submitted on the prescribed form. Ordinarily no leave is granted during the training period.
3. Those who absent themselves without leave will have to pay a special fine Rs. 30/- per day.
4. Leave an account of illness must be accompanied by medical certificate.
Message From Chairman
Chairman, faculty and management of Jagriti Teacher's Training College, Deodhar Mandi H.P heartily welcomes all the new students. This institution has completed eighteen academic sessions. Eighty percent of these students passed with first division and many of them earned distinction at University level.
Contact Us
Devdhar, District Mandi Himachal Pradesh, India Postalcode: 175001 Mobile: 98169-81400, 98169-91400