Library Rules

1. The Library books may be retained by the students upto a period of 7 days after which they must be returned or got re-issued, the latter depending on the discretion of the Librarian. A fine of Rs. 2/- per volume per day is charged for the books kept for more than two weeks after the date of issue.
2. If a book at the time of returning to Library is found defaced or damaged in anyway, the last borrower will be required to pay its price as damage.
3. Leave from the college does not imply exemption from the return of library books. The books may be returned to the library by post under registered cover, if necessary.
4. The students are expected to observe perfect silence in the library and are expected not to disturb others in any way.
5. Non-transferable Library-cum-identity cards are issued to all the students and books can be issued only on these cards. Students must get the identity cards within a month after paying their dues of admission after which no card will be issued. Two copies of their passport size photographs should be handed over to the Librarian.Loss of the card should be immediately reported to the Librarian who will issue a duplicate card on payment of Rs. 25/- only.
6. The number of books that can be borrowed at a time is two.
7. Student's responsibility will not be over until the book is shown as returned on the library card. They are advised to be very careful in getting the signature of the librarian on their cards while returning books.
8. Books borrowed from the Library must be returned to the Librarian and must on no account be passed on to other.
9. Books reserved for the staff Members and Reference Books, Text books, current periodicals will not be issued except for consultation within the library.
11. Copy of B.Ed. syllabus is avaliable in the college library.

Message From Chairman

Chairman, faculty and management of Jagriti Teacher's Training College, Deodhar Mandi H.P heartily welcomes all the new students. This institution has completed eighteen academic sessions. Eighty percent of these students passed with first division and many of them earned distinction at University level.

Contact Us

Devdhar, District Mandi Himachal Pradesh, India Postalcode: 175001 Mobile: 98169-81400, 98169-91400

Our Students Say

I spent two and a half years studying at Jagriti College and this was an absolutely unforgettable period in my life.


Looking back, I can see Jagriti College was extremely important and a stepping stone in my career. It allowed me to develop my interpersonal skills, which are extremely important in my field of work.


Teachers at Jagriti College work closely with their students, which allows them to really understand the strengths and difficulties of each individual. This means you get more support and encouragement in the areas that really matter

- Abdulla Ayub

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